People living with eczema, acne, psoriasis or rosacea, have to manage their condition from day to day. As with any long-term condition, self-management is crucial. We prefer to call it self-care.
People living with eczema, acne, psoriasis or rosacea, have to manage their condition from day to day. As with any long-term condition, self-management is crucial. We prefer to call it self-care.
Self-care in chronic skin conditions is an ongoing process of looking after your skin and overall wellbeing by sticking to the treatment plan. Every day, month after month. While self-care brings relief, it is very hard to stay motivated and consistent on your own.

IQutis blends together 3 essential elements to creat companion brands supporting and guiding people on their self-care journey, helping to stick to the treatment plan and ensuring proper daily skin care.

  • AI-enabled companion apps
    Smart self-care assistants are here to help people follow a proper skincare routine, adjust their lifestyle, adhere to doctor’s recommendations and stay motivated throughout their self-care journey.
  • Online patient education        
    Web and mobile based patient education courses designed to improve treatment adherence and provide patients with all the knowledge they need to improve the condition of the skin and wellbeing.
  • Proper D2C skincare products
    Evidence-based skincare products restore and maintain the protective functionality of the skin and are an essential part of managing chronic skin conditions.
Meet IQutis companions!
Learn more about self-care companions for people
with eczema or acne