IQutis Atopic Dermatitis Severity AI identifies the skin and affected areas in a photo, evaluates the percentage of the affected area of the skin and the severity of 4 signs of AD according to the EASI scale (eczema area and severity index).
IQutis Atopic Dermatitis Severity AI identifies the skin and affected areas in a photo, evaluates the percentage of the affected area of the skin and the severity of 4 signs of AD according to the EASI scale (eczema area and severity index).
Visual comparison of photos –
an opportunity to see even small changes
% of the skin in the photo
with visible signs of AD
Identification of the affected skin areas
Assessment of the severity
of AD based on the EASI*
Assessment of the severity of AD based on the EASI*
Visual comparison of photos – an opportunity to see even small changes
% of the skin in the photo with visible signs of AD
Identification of the affected skin areas
*The AI model differs from the classic EASI in that artificial intelligence analyzes only the area of skin visible in the photo. Thus, the severity is calculated for the specific photographed area.
To initially train the neural network for Atopic Dermatitis severity assessment, we used more than 10,000 images of different areas of skin with signs of AD, analyzed and marked up by dermatologists. The process of AI training never stops, which gives a constant improvement in the accuracy and reliability of the results.
To initially train the neural network for Atopic Dermatitis severity assessment, we used more than 10,000 images of different areas of skin with signs of AD, analyzed and marked up by dermatologists. The process of AI training never stops, which gives a constant improvement in the accuracy and reliability of the results.
IQutis Atopic Dermatitis Severity AI brings computer vision to the Atopic App smart assistant helping it to objectively measure the changes in the skin's condition and determine if it has improved.
IQutis Atopic Dermatitis Severity AI brings computer vision to the Atopic App smart assistant helping it to objectively measure the changes in the skin's condition and determine if it has improved.
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Learn more about AI for people with Acne or IQutis severity assessment